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Food Allergies

We enjoy feeding your children a nutritious breakfast and lunch.

In the case where a child has a disability or an allergy that may prevent the child from eating meals prepared for the general population, a physician’s statement must be completed for each child.

The physician’s statement must identify:

  • The child’s disability or allergy;
  • An explanation of why the disability or allergy restricts the child’s diet;  
  • The major life activity affected by the disability or allergy;
  • The food or foods to be omitted from the child’s diet and the food or choice of foods that must be substituted.

Below is the form the physician will need to complete. This information will be on file in the nurses office at the child’s campus, a copy at the Child Nutrition Office and a pop up will appear at the Point of Sales in the cafeteria where the child is served to alert the cafeteria staff of these child’s special needs.

These physician statements/orders must be updated yearly.

Please see the Food Services Department on our website for detailed information regarding Children with Special Dietary Needs.
Please contact your child’s nurses office and/or the Child Nutrition office at (409) 980-7822 if you have any further questions.

Food Allergy Disclosure Form 

Physician Food Allergy Form

Food Allergies Management Plan