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Social Media Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement and Terms of Use

Thanks for visiting Silsbee ISD Social Media pages. While social media has become an integral part of our society, Silsbee ISD remains committed to uphold its highest standards in public education while using this platform. This page is to help relay some information regarding announcements, and to extend our district news regarding students, staff, administrators and faculty. Silsbee ISD is committed to sharing the positive of our district, however, we must remain steadfast in our rules of engagement and terms of use.

Rules of Engagement and Terms of Use

The purpose of Silsbee ISD social media pages is to inform, engage, and inspire our students, parents, staff members, and the community as a whole. Through these pages, Silsbee ISD will also be sharing the many accomplishments and achievements of our students and staff members, and encourage interaction from the community.

These pages are managed by Silsbee ISD Communications Department, which is not responsible for comments made by visitors. Silsbee ISD also reserves the right to delete any comments at the administrators’ discretion.


While Silsbee ISD will also use these pages to communicate important information (including weather related school closures) to parents and the community, the pages are not intended to replace Silsbee ISD normal emergency notifications or parent messages.

If you have an immediate concern, please do not post a comment, or send a message to the page administrator, rather, contact the administration office at 409-980-7800.

Community Comment Rules

Any comment can be deleted at the discretion of page administrators of Silsbee ISD social media pages.

The Silsbee Independent School District wants to make it unequivocally clear that we have a zero-tolerance policy for any hateful or hurtful comments directed towards our students, teachers, or staff members.

These types of comments not only breach the boundaries of respectful discourse but also run counter to the values we uphold as an educational institution. Such behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Any comments of this nature discovered on our social media platforms will be promptly deleted. Additionally, individuals responsible for these comments will be permanently blocked from viewing or posting on any Silsbee ISD social media accounts.

We are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for our students, teachers, and staff, both online and offline.

In addition, any comment will also be deleted that:

  • Includes profanity or is discriminatory in nature.
  • Violates any law, including copyright laws.
  • Does not pertain to the specific posting made by Silsbee ISD.
  • Violates the privacy of any of our students and staff.
  • Attacks anyone by name.
  • Contains photos or links to other websites.
  • Is political in nature.
  • Solicits business or services.
  • Is intended to provoke or offend others.

Bullying of any kind will not be permitted.

Content and the comments should be appropriate for all users, including Silsbee ISD students.

We also uphold all social media channels Terms of Service standards including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you find abusive content, each channel encourages you to report it using the link provided.

Employee Social Media Use

Silsbee ISD encourages active participation from all. However, district employees must abide by Silsbee ISD policies regarding the use of electronic media as defined in the employee handbook.