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Teacher Longevity Stipend

Teacher Longevity Bonus

About the Stipend:

The SISD Board of Trustees has graciously approved a Teacher Longevity Stipend for the Fiscal Years 2024, 2025, and 2026. Continuous years of employment are required for each Stipend Level. Superintendent Dr. Gregg Weiss proposed this incentive pay to the board for approval.

1-2: $0
3-8: $600
9-15: $900
16-21: $1,200
22-28+: $1,500
Distributed: January


  • Teacher is defined as one whose position is paid on the Teacher Pay Schedule and who develops an instructional plan and then delivers the instruction directly to students and as approved by the Superintendent.
  • The teacher must have an SBEC certification or a School District Teaching Permit.
  • The teacher was employed in the prior school year.
  • The teacher remains employed for the District during the school year.
  • Determination of the number of years is based on the most recent continuous years of service.
  • Failure to fulfill an Employment Contract after  payment shall require repayment of stipend funds based on a prorated amount
  • $475,000 commitment for fiscal years 2024, 2025, 2026
  • Distributed: - January - One-time stipend payment each fiscal year listed.