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What’s YOUR Pathway?
Using the Texas Transition & Employment Guide to map your way to adulthood

Moving from school into adult life requires thoughtful planning.
Where will you work? What will you want to continue learning after high school?
Where will you live? Will you want support to meet your goals?
You may have been thinking about this for a long time and already have some
ideas about what you want for your life. Pathways is the Texas Transition &
Employment Guide to a Successful Life After High School for Students with Disabilities.

You and your family can use this guide to:
★ Understand transition planning in your IEP
★ Plan for the transfer of legal rights at age 18
★ Consider the many paths to college or certification programs, careers,
independent living in the community, and adult health care
★ Learn about financial support options available for adults with disabilities
★ Identify skills and activities you can work on now to meet your goals for
adult life, after graduation from high school
★ Connect with services to support you in adulthood

Where do I find the Transition & Employment guide?

Transition Guides: [English] | [Spanish]

The current version of the guide is posted to the Texas Transition website:
You can also find the guide on the ESC Region 13 website:
Who can help?
The Transition & Employment Services Designee (TED) for your school can answer
questions about transition planning. If you need a printed copy of the Pathways guide,
ask a member of your ARD committee or contact the TED.
TED for Silsbee ISD: Michele Drake
Phone: 409-980-7800